The Treemote Story

The Treemote idea comes from local home builder and inventor Martin Schenk. He got the idea one Christmas evening after seeing his wife under the tree struggling to plug in the lights. He knew he needed to solve this daily chore.
Luckily for Martin, he knew his friends at Maximum Prototyping would be able to help. They turned his idea into a real physical prototype using advanced computer modelling and 3D printing.
After many renditions, trade shows, and an appearance on the Dragon’s Den, it was decided to mass manufacture the real thing.
Today, despite not getting a deal on Dragon’s Den, the Treemote has still made it into stores across Canada and the USA.
You may have seen it at major retailers such as Thrifty Foods, Canadian Tire, or Save On Foods. It’s selling by the thousands and shows no signs of stopping!
In a few short months Maximum Prototyping took Martin’s idea, made it into a reality, and put it in the hands of thousands of shoppers across North America.
Take your idea to the next level with Maximum Prototyping. We’re with you the whole way!
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